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The Greatest Gift a Parent can give is a Healthy Future

What are Gummies Supplements?

Gummy vitamins are chew able supplements that have a taste and texture quite similar to the gummy sweets and are available in a large variety of shapes, colors, and flavors. Gummy Vitamins are highly demanded by the customers because they come in the form of enjoyable candies. Gummy vitamins will help you to get rid of the traditional pills or tablets which is quite bitter and have a number of side-effects at the same time. Considering its candy-like structure, these supplements are highly consumed by children as well as adults across the world. With the ability to be manufactured without gelatin, gummy vitamins are for everyone, even those who are vegans.

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Waking early in the morning is a crucial task for kids, but swallowing bitter vitamin pills at the same time can be very displeasing for children’s. But what if these bitter pills are transformed into yummy and sweet gummy vitamins? The sugar present in the gums will effectively transform your restrain into pleasure.

Commonly, when you look at such gummy supplements you think about children. But think again, gummy vitamins are not only for kids as adults can consume them as well. It is believed that the gummy vitamins are one of the most rapidly growing forms of encapsulation in the supplement market today.

Commonly the vitamin supplements or pills you consume are taken while having food or meal. If you consume them only by using water, they might not digest well. But due to the shape and texture of the gummy vitamins, they are effectively crumbled down before it arrives in your stomach. These gummy vitamins can be consumed with or without a meal as well.

About Vitamin Supplements & Minerals

I am sure as a parent you’ve all come across an article or two that addressed why vitamins supplements are not a must for kids or why you can probably skip it in your daily regimen. While many of these articles do share some valuable details, they’re some things that parents should keep in mind before tossing the supplements.

Before we begin, let’s dive deeper into why some may suggest vitamin supplements aren’t essential.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “healthy children receiving a normal, well-balanced diet do not need vitamin supplementation.”


A child who eats a well-balanced diet including fish, milk, fruits, and vegetables is unlikely to need vitamin supplements.

Most infant and toddler foods including milk and juices are fortified with vitamins and minerals. This is, however, easier said than done. Let’s take a look at the other side of the coin.

It is estimated that 10% of children eat a balanced diet consisting of 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, 2 to 4 cups of milk and two servings of fish a week.

Because humans cannot synthesize vitamins (except vitamin D), they need to be ingested in the diet to prevent disorders of metabolism. Besides, vitamins should be distinguished from minerals (such as calcium and iron), some of which are also essential micro nutrients.

Gross vitamin deficiency with associated clinical diseases have become rare in Western societies, they occur mainly in special populations, including older adults; vegans; new immigrants; the very poor; patients with alcoholism, malabsorption, little sun exposure, history of gastric bypass surgery, extensive resection of the intestine, or inborn errors of metabolism; and those undergoing hemodialysis or receiving parenteral nutrition.

Now that we’ve briefly gone over the data on the value of vitamin supplements in a child’s daily regimen, let’s take a look at the things parents should know about vitamin supplements and minerals.


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Manual Breast          Pump

After six months of age, the volume of human milk ingested by exclusively breastfed infants generally becomes insufficient to meet the infant’s requirements for energy, protein, iron, zinc, and some fat-soluble vitamins. Complementary feeds should be introduced between the age of four and six months. In babies that remain exclusively breastfed, vitamin D and Iron supplementation are recommended. Your pediatrician should determine the dose.



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The type of vitamin will depend on whether the child has any underlying medical problem, special needs or if he or she is on medications. For example, a child who is a strict vegetarian will need a supplement that contains vitamins B12 and D, as well as riboflavin and calcium, which may be lacking in his diet.
Otherwise, healthy children will do well with a generic multivitamin (liquid or chewable), but parents should read the label carefully

We recommend gummies vitamins for children younger than four years of age because due to the shape and texture of the gummy vitamins, they are effectively

crumbled down before it arrives in your stomach. These gummy vitamins can be consumed with or without a meal as well.


1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A serves a variety of purposes in kids and adults. It promotes the growth of the cells and tissues of the body, assists the eyes in adjusting to dim and bright lights, keeps skin healthy, works to prevent infection, and is crucial for the maturation of the intestinal and lung linings.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C does more than just boost the immune system to help keep infections at bay. It also helps form and repair red blood cells, bones, and tissues; promotes healthy muscles, connective tissue, and skin; helps the body heal wounds; is important for building strong bones and teeth, and is an essential co factor for enzymes that make neurotransmitters for the brain

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D promotes bone and tooth formation and helps the body absorb calcium. Additionally, it also functions as a hormone with roles in immune system health, insulin production, and regulation of cell growth.
Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because the body can produce it when the skin is exposed to sunlight. But your child’s body isn’t able to make vitamin D when covered with clothing or sunscreen to block the sun’s rays.

4. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a major antioxidant protector for cell membranes, the sites of most cell activities. It also boosts the immune system, helps the body fight germs, and is important for DNA repair and other metabolic processes.

5. Calcium

Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the body, is essential in helping to build a child’s healthy bones and teeth. Osteoporosis, a brittle bone disease that affects older adults, begins in childhood if diets are not providing adequate calcium-rich foods. It also promotes healthy nerve, heart, and muscle function helps blood clot and helps the body convert food into energy.

6. Magnesium

Magnesium is a very important nutrient that most people don’t get enough of. It is required by over 300 enzymes, most of which are involved in energy generation and utilization. Magnesium also balances calcium for a healthy heartbeat, nerve transmission, brain connectivity, skeletal and smooth muscle contraction, and various cell processes.

7. Zinc

Zinc is needed by more than 70 enzymes that aid digestion and metabolism. It is also essential for DNA structure, sexual maturation, immunity, behavior, skin health, and hair renewal.


It's best to get vitamins from food, but with increased consumption of processed foods and busy lives, even the healthiest of us have hard time getting all our nutrients from diet alone. This is why multivitamins are recommended. With up to cent percent RDA of essential vitamins

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